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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - background


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(backgrounds) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Your background is the kind of family you come from and the kind of education you have had. It can also refer to such things as your social and racial origins, your financial status, or the type of work experience that you have. She came from a working-class background... His background was in engineering. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu with supp 2. The background to an event or situation consists of the facts that explain what caused it. The meeting takes place against a background of continuing political violence. ...background information. N-COUNT: usu sing, with supp, oft against N 3. The background is sounds, such as music, which you can hear but which you are not listening to with your full attention. I kept hearing the sound of applause in the background... The background music was provided by an accordion player. ? foreground N-SING: the N 4. You can use background to refer to the things in a picture or scene that are less noticeable or important than the main things or people in it. ...roses patterned on a blue background... ? foreground N-COUNT: usu sing • Someone who stays in the background avoids being noticed, although the things that they do are important or influential. Rosemary likes to stay in the background. PHRASE
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См. в других словарях

   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Date: 1672  1.  a. the scenery or ground behind something  b. the part of a painting representing what lies behind objects in the foreground  2. an inconspicuous position  3.  a. the conditions that form the setting within which something is experienced  b.  (1) the circumstances or events antecedent to a phenomenon or development  (2) information essential to understanding of a problem or situation  c. the total of a person's experience, knowledge, and education  4.  a. intrusive sound or radiation that interferes with received or recorded electronic signals  b. a more or less steady level of noise above which the effect (as radioactivity) being measured by an apparatus (as a Geiger counter) is detected; especially a somewhat steady level of radiation in the natural environment (as from cosmic rays)  5. a level of computer processing at which the processor uses time not required for a primary task to work on an additional task — compare foreground Synonyms:  ~, setting, environment, milieu, mise-en-scene mean the place, time, and circumstances in which something occurs. ~ often refers to the circumstances or events that precede a phenomenon or development the shocking decision was part of the ~ of the riots. setting suggests looking at real-life situations in literary or dramatic terms a militant reformer who was born into an unlikely social setting. environment applies to all the external factors that have a formative influence on one's physical, mental, or moral development the kind of environment that produces juvenile delinquents. milieu applies especially to the physical and social surroundings of a person or group of persons an intellectual milieu conducive to artistic experimentation. mise-en-scene strongly suggests the use of properties to achieve a particular atmosphere or theatrical effect a gothic thriller with a carefully crafted mise-en-scene.  II. transitive verb  Date: 1768 to provide with ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 part of a scene, picture, or description, that serves as a setting to the chief figures or objects and foreground. 2 an inconspicuous or obscure position (kept in the background). 3 a person's education, knowledge, or social circumstances. 4 explanatory or contributory information or circumstances. 5 Physics low-intensity ambient radiation from radioisotopes present in the natural environment. 6 Electronics unwanted signals, such as noise in the reception or recording of sound. Phrases and idioms background music music intended as an unobtrusive accompaniment to some activity, or to provide atmosphere in a film etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) фон фоновый 2) задний план 3) строит. поверхность под отделку 4) засветка (экрана индикатора) 5) вчт. фоновый режим работы 6) предпосылка; подготовка - chromakey background - clutter background - color background - computer-generated background - continuous background - cosmic background - cosmological background - dark background - daytime sky background - electronic background - gamma background - grainy background - hard background - infrared background - light background - moving background - neutron background - nighttime sky background - noise background - radiation background - radioactivity background - reference background - single-color background - sky background - soil background - speckled background - stylized background - target background - titles background - uniform background ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  фон, задний план background for plastering incorrect background ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) фон (изображения) 2) фоновой режим (печати) 3) атмосферный шум (во время радиоприема) 4) незапечатанная часть черно-белой факсимильной копии – chromakey background – color background – computer-generated background – cosmic microwave background – Earth background – electronic background – grainy background – gray background – infrared background – microwave background – noise background – reference background – reflected background – speckled background – thermal background – uniform background ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  фон; первоисточник; история вопроса; фоновый; низкоприоритетный – background of the invention – cultural background – stimulating background BACKGROUND сущ. 1) основа, база 2) истоки, корни 3) данные 4) история вопроса 5) фон • - against the background - background for negotiations - background information - background of development - force the opponent to the background Syn: education, formation BACKGROUND 1) а) общ. задний план; фон diagram on a green background - диаграмма на зеленом фоне б) общ. незаметное положение to stay in the background - оставаться в тени (на заднем плане) 2) а) общ. подоплека; подноготная, предпосылка (какого-либо события, явления) historical background of the conflict - исторические предпосылки возникновения конфликта б) история вопроса, условие, исходные данные (необходимые для понимания проблемы, вопроса и т. п.) You should read the text first to get a general background of the theory. - Вам следует вначале прочесть этот текст, чтобы получить общие сведения о данной теории. See: background research 3) общ. истоки, происхождение, биографические данные; связи, окружение (все, что связано с жизнью, образованием, работой и т. п.) Learn more about his educational background, professional experience, and community activities. - Узнайте побольше о его образовании, профессиональном опыте и общественной деятельности. 4) СМИ фон (музыкальное или шумовое...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  фон – B-cell background – genetic background – T-cell background ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. задний план; фон red spots on a white background —- красные крапинки на белом фоне (поле) to melt into the background —- сливаться с фоном the white house stood out against the background of the dark forest —- белый дом выделялся на фоне темного леса the shed stood in the background —- сарай стоял в глубине 2. незаметное положение to stay in the background —- оставаться в тени (на заднем плане) to cultivate a background manner —- стараться держаться незаметно the question has fallen into the background —- вопрос утратил остроту 3. предпосылка; подоплека the background of the war —- причины войны; предвоенная обстановка the background of the deal was easy to explain —- подоплека этой сделки была легко объяснима 4. история вопроса; сведения общего характера; исходные данные give me the background of the problem —- расскажите мне, как возник этот вопрос 5. подготовка, образование; квалификация he has the right background for the job —- у него хорошая подготовка для этой работы 6. (биографические или анкетные) данные; происхождение; общественный и моральный облик; связи и окружение (человека) to look up smb.'s background —- наводить справки о ком-л. (о чьем-л. происхождении и связях, моральном облике и т. п.) what is his background? —- что он собой представляет? 7. кин. обстановка; место действия 8. кин. предметы или действующие лица,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) задний план, фон - against the background - keep in the background - stay in the background  2) подоплека; подноготная  3) предпосылка; данные, объяснение  4) истоки; происхождение; биографические данные Whats his background? - Что он собой представляет?  5) подготовка, квалификация  6) музыкальное/шумовое сопровождение  7) attr. background papers - вспомогательные материалы, документы ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 someone's family history, education, social class etc  (He's always going on about his working class background. | a background in computer engineering) 2 the events in the past that explain why something has happened in the way that it has  (Without knowing the background to the case, I couldn't possibly comment. | background information/details/data etc)  (With a bit more background information the report will be fine.) 3 the pattern or colour on top of which something has been drawn, printed etc  (Red lettering on a white background.) 4 in the background a) behind the main thing that you are looking at  (In the background of this photo you can see a few of my old college friends.) b) someone who keeps or stays in the background tries not to be noticed  (A couple of waiters hovered in the background.) c) a sound that is in the background is present but is not the main thing that you are listening to  (In the background I could hear the sound of traffic.) 5 the sounds that you can hear apart from the main thing that you are listening to  (background noise/music/a lot of background noise)  (an irritating background noise of tinny music) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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