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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - appearance


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(appearances) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When someone makes an appearance at a public event or in a broadcast, they take part in it. It was the president’s second public appearance to date... Keegan made 68 appearances in two seasons for Southampton, scoring 37 times. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft supp N 2. Someone’s or something’s appearance is the way that they look. She used to be so fussy about her appearance... N-SING: with supp 3. The appearance of someone or something in a place is their arrival there, especially when it is unexpected. The sudden appearance of a few bags of rice could start a riot. N-SING: with supp, oft N of n 4. The appearance of something new is its coming into existence or use. Fears are growing of a cholera outbreak following the appearance of a number of cases in the city. N-SING: with supp, oft N of n 5. If something has the appearance of a quality, it seems to have that quality. We tried to meet both children’s needs without the appearance of favoritism or unfairness... N-SING: with supp 6. If something is true to all appearances, from all appearances, or by all appearances, it seems from what you observe or know about it that it is true. He was a small and to all appearances an unassuming man. PHRASE: PHR with cl/group 7. If you keep up appearances, you try to behave and dress in a way that people expect of you, even if you can no longer afford it. His parents’ obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood. PHRASE: V inflects 8. If you put in an appearance at an event, you go to it for a short time although you may not really want to, but do not stay. = show your face PHRASE: V inflects
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   noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. external show ; semblance although hostile, he preserved an ~ of neutrality  b. outward aspect ; look had a fierce ~  c. plural outward indication trying to keep up ~s  2.  a. a sense impression or aspect of a thing the blue of distant hills is only an ~  b. the world of sensible phenomena  3.  a. the act, action, or process of appearing  b. the presentation of oneself in court as a party to an action often through the representation of an attorney  4.  a. something that appears ; phenomenon  b. an instance of appearing ; occurrence ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. 1 the act or an instance of appearing. 2 an outward form as perceived (whether correctly or not), esp. visually (has an appearance of prosperity; gives the appearance of trying hard). 3 a semblance. Phrases and idioms keep up appearances maintain an impression or pretence of virtue, affluence, etc. make (or put in) an appearance be present, esp. briefly. to all appearances as far as can be seen; apparently. Etymology: ME f. OF aparance, -ence f. LL apparentia (as APPEAR, -ENCE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  внешний вид - cold appearance - fracture surface appearance - stepped appearance ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  внешний вид appearance of finished concrete appearance of fracture appearance of naturally weathered surface blotchy appearance general appearance overall appearance specified surface appearance of concrete unsightly external appearance ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) видимость, явность 2) внешний вид – multiline appearance – multiple appearance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) внешний вид 2) явка (в суд) 3) регистрация явки (в суд) 4) заявление ответчика при возбуждении дела о нарушении (патента) – decorative appearance APPEARANCE сущ.; юр. 1) формальное подчинение юрисдикции суда compulsory appearance — принудительная явка в суд general appearance — безоговорочное полное подчинение юрисдикции суда special appearance — подчинение юрисдикции суда для определенной цели voluntary appearance — добровольная явка в суд appearance de bene esse — временно-условная явка в суд 2) выступление в суде 3) явка в суд - enter an appearance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) внешний вид 2) появление 3) признак, проявление – external appearance – gross appearance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. внешний вид, внешность, наружность in appearance —- по внешнему виду to judge by appearances —- судить по внешности to have a noble appearance —- иметь благородную наружность to be wonderfully improved in one's appearance —- необыкновенно похорошеть everything resumed its usual appearance —- все вновь обрело свой прежний вид appearances are deceitful —- внешность обманчива 2. видимость; маска although hostile, he tried to preserve the appearance of neutrality —- он был настроен враждебно, но скрывал это под личиной беспристрастия 3. вид, изображение (на снимке) 4. вероятность, правдоподобие in all appearances —- судя по всему, по всей видимости, по всей вероятности appearances are all against you —- на первый взгляд все против вас; видимо, все складывается неблагоприятно для вас he was to all appearances dead —- по всем признакам он был мертв 5. появление (в поле зрения) the time of the sun's appearance —- время появления солнца the appearance of the warships —- появление военных судов the comet duly made its appearance as predicted —- комета показалась точно в рассчитанный момент 6. появление (на приемах) to make one's appearance in society —- появляться в обществе my appearance at the party was not very welcome —- на вечере я был встречен холодно to put in an appearance —- появиться или заглянуть ненадолго I don't want to go to the reception, but I'd better put in an appearance —- мне не хочется...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) появление to put in an appearance - появиться ненадолго (на собрании, вечере и т.п.) to make an appearance - показываться, появляться  2) (внешний) вид, наружность  3) видимость to all appearance(s) - судя по всему; по-видимому  4) выступление her first appearance was a success - ее дебют прошел с успехом  5) выход из печати  6) явление (обыкн. загадочное); феномен  7) призрак to keep up appearances - соблюдать приличия Syn: aspect, look, semblance ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ n 1 »WAY SB/STH LOOKS« the way someone or something looks to other people  (You mustn't worry about your appearance - you look fine. | They've changed the whole appearance of the building. | judge by appearances (=judge someone or something by the way they look))  (It's usually best not to judge by appearances. | have all the appearances of (=have all the qualities or features that are typical of something))  (The case had all the appearances of a straightforward murder. | to/by all appearances (=based on the way someone or something seems to most people))  (He was, to all appearances, a respectable, successful businessman. | contrary to/against (all) appearances (=in spite of the way they appear))  (Contrary to appearances, she's actually quite funny when you get to know her. | give/create the appearance of (=seem))  (Nigel gives the appearance of being confident, but he isn't really.) 2 »STH NEW« the point at which something new begins to exist or starts being used + of  (the appearance of the first mammals | the appearance of buds on the trees) 3 »ARRIVAL« C usually singular the unexpected or sudden arrival of someone or something + of  (The shouting suddenly stopped with the appearance of Peter's father.) 4 »PLAY/FILM/CONCERT ETC« the act of taking part in a film, play, concert etc  (make an appearance)  (He made his first appearance on stage in a Broadway review. | the band's only European appearance this year) 5 keep up appearances to continue to wear good clothes and behave as though you have plenty of money even though you no longer do 6 for appearances' sake/for the sake of appearances if you do something for appearances' sake, you are trying to make people think you are still happy, successful etc 7 put in an appearance/make an appearance to go to an event for a short time, because you think you should  (At least Marc managed to put in an appearance at the party.) 8 »LAW COURT/MEETING« the act of being present at a court of law or official meeting  (make an appearance)  (He made a brief...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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