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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - allow


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(allows, allowing, allowed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If someone is allowed to do something, it is all right for them to do it and they will not get into trouble. The children are not allowed to watch violent TV programmes... The Government will allow them to advertise on radio and television... They will be allowed home... Smoking will not be allowed. = permit, let ? forbid VERB: be V-ed to-inf, V n to-inf, be V-ed adv/prep, be V-ed, also V n/-ing 2. If you are allowed something, you are given permission to have it or are given it. Gifts like chocolates or flowers are allowed... He should be allowed the occasional treat. = permit ? forbid VERB: be V-ed, be V-ed n 3. If you allow something to happen, you do not prevent it. He won’t allow himself to fail... If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die. = permit, let ? prevent VERB: V n to-inf, V n to-inf 4. If one thing allows another thing to happen, the first thing creates the opportunity for the second thing to happen. The compromise will allow him to continue his free market reforms. ...an attempt to allow the Moslem majority a greater share of power... She said this would allow more effective planning. = permit, let ? prevent VERB: V n to-inf, V n n, V n 5. If you allow a particular length of time or a particular amount of something for a particular purpose, you include it in your planning. Please allow 28 days for delivery... Allow about 75ml (3fl oz) per six servings. VERB: V n for n, V n 6. If you allow that something is true, you admit or agree that it is true. (FORMAL) Warren also allows that capitalist development may, in its early stages, result in increased social inequality. = acknowledge VERB: V that 7. Some people use Allow me to... as a way of introducing something that they want to say or do. (FORMAL) Allow me to introduce Dr Amberg. = permit me to PHRASE
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   verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French aluer, alouer to place, apportion, ~, from Middle French allocare — more at allocate  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to assign as a share or suitable amount (as of time or money) ~ an hour for lunch  b. to reckon as a deduction or an addition ~ a gallon for leakage  2.  a. chiefly Southern & Midland to be of the opinion ; think  b. dialect say, state  c. to express an opinion — usually used with as how or that  3. chiefly Southern & Midland intend, plan  4. admit, concede must ~ that money causes problems in marriage  5.  a. permit doesn't ~ people to smoke in his home  b. to forbear or neglect to restrain or prevent ~ the dog to roam  intransitive verb  1. to make a possibility ; admit — used with of evidence that ~s of only one conclusion  2. to give consideration to circumstances or contingencies — used with for ~ for expansion ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. 1 tr. permit (a practice, a person to do something, a thing to happen, etc.) (smoking is not allowed; we allowed them to speak). 2 tr. give or provide; permit (a person) to have (a limited quantity or sum) (we were allowed {pound}500 a year). 3 tr. provide or set aside for a purpose; add or deduct in consideration of something (allow 10% for inflation). 4 tr. a admit, agree, concede (he allowed that it was so; 'You know best,' he allowed). b US state; be of the opinion. 5 refl. permit oneself, indulge oneself in (conduct) (allowed herself to be persuaded; allowed myself a few angry words). 6 intr. (foll. by of) admit of. 7 intr. (foll. by for) take into consideration or account; make addition or deduction corresponding to (allowing for wastage). Derivatives allowable adj. allowably adv. Etymology: ME, orig. = 'praise', f. OF alouer f. L allaudare to praise, and med.L allocare to place ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) позволять, разрешать; допускать 2) учитывать allow for — водить поправку to allow for error — учитывать погрешность ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) давать, выдавать; предоставлять 2) принимать; признавать; соглашаться – to allow case – to allow a claim – to allow an appeal – to allow an application – to allow a second case – to allow for ALLOW гл. 1) допускать, разрешать 2) признавать 3) предоставлять (кредит, скидку) 4) принимать во внимание, учитывать (for) • - allow a claim - allow a discount - allow an appeal - allow credit - allow for - allow for in the budget - allow in the cost Syn: permit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. позволять, разрешать; давать разрешение to allow smb to do smth. —- позволять кому-л делать что-л to be allowed to do smth —- иметь разрешение делать что-л she is not allowed out after dark —- ей не разрешают выходить из дому после наступления темноты to allow oneself smth. —- позволять себе (сделать) что-л she allowed herself no sweets —- она старалась не есть конфет smoking is not allowed —- "не курить" (объявление) no dogs allowed —- "с собаками вход воспрещен", "провоз собак запрещен" (объявление) will you allow me to use your pen? —- можно мне взять вашу ручку? allow me —- позвольте мне (предлагая помочь снять пальто) perhaps I may be allowed to speak now —- теперь позвольте мне сказать несколько слов she allowed her imagination full play —- она дала волю своему воображению 2. допустить (что-л) по недосмотру; недоглядеть, просмотреть (что-л) to allow a door to remain open —- забыть закрыть дверь, случайно оставить дверь открытой to allow a cake to burn —- сжечь пирог 3. (for) предусматривать; учитывать; принимать во внимание; делать поправку на (что-л) to allow for other expenses —- учитывать другие расходы to allow an inch for shrinkage —- припустить дюйм на усадку to allow a gallon for leakage —- скинуть галлон на утечку it will take thirty minutes top get to the station, allowing for traffic delays —- с учетом дорожных заторов путь до станции займет...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of допускать ALLOW credit предоставить кредит ALLOW for предусматривать; учитывать; принимать во внимание ALLOW v.  1) позволять, разрешать smoking is not allowed - курить воспрещается  2) предоставлять, делать возможным this gate allows access to the garden - через эти ворота можно пройти в сад  3) допускать; признавать I allow that I was wrong - признаю, что был неправ  4) принимать во внимание, учитывать, делать скидку, делать поправку (for - на что-л.) you must allow for some mistakes - вы должны учесть некоторые ошибки I cannot allow of such an excuse - не могу принять такого извинения  5) давать, регулярно выплачивать  6) amer.; dial. заявлять, утверждать - allow for - allow of allow me! - разрешите! we have allowed for twenty people - мы были готовы встретить, принять двадцать человек Syn: see permit ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~ S1 W1 v 1 to let someone do or have something, or let something happen ~ sb to do sth  (The committee allowed the oil company to build a refinery on the island.) ~ sb sth  (We allow passengers one item of hand luggage each.) ~ sb in/out/up etc  (I don't allow the cat in the bedroom.) be ~ed (=if something is allowed, it is permitted)  ("Can I smoke?" "I'm sorry, it's not allowed" | Abortions were allowed only for reasons of health.) ~ swimming/smoking/talking etc  (We do not allow eating in the classrooms.) be ~ed (to do sth) (=you are permitted to do something)  (I wasn't allowed to stay out after 11 o'clock.) 2 to be sure that you have enough time, money, food etc available for a particular purpose  (We allowed ourselves plenty of time to get to the airport.) 3 to make it possible for something to happen or for someone to do something, especially something helpful or useful ~ sb to do sth  (A 24-hour ceasefire allowed the two armies to bury their dead.) ~ sb sth  (The new seatbelt allows the driver greater freedom of movement.) 4 to accept or agree that something is correct or permitted by the rules or the law  (The judge allowed the evidence.) 5 ~ that formal to admit that something is true  (I allow that there may have been a mistake.) 6 ~ me! spoken used as a polite way of offering to help someone do something  ( "Allow me, " the waiter said, helping her with her coat.) @allow for ~ for sb/sth  phrasal verb to consider all the possible facts, problems, costs etc involved in a plan or situation and make sure that you can deal successfully with them  (Allowing for inflation, the cost of the project is $2 million.) @allow of ~ of sth  phrasal verb formal to show that something exists or is possible  (The facts allow of only one interpretation.) @ ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - early 14c., from O.Fr. alouer "approve," from L. allaudare, compound of ad- "to" + laudare "to praise," confused and merged in O.Fr. with alouer "assign," from L. allocare (see allocate). From the first word came the sense "permission based on approval," from the second the meaning preserved in allowance "a limited portion or sum (usually of money or food)," first recorded 1440. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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