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Английский Этимологический словарь - fun


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- early 14c. fon "a fool," later "trick, hoax, practical joke," of uncertain origin. Older sense preserved in phrase to make fun of and funny money "counterfeit bills" (1938); sense of "amusement" is 1727. Stigmatized by Johnson as "a low cant word." Funny meaning "strange, odd" is 1806, said to be originally U.S. Southern. The two senses of the word lead to the question funny ha-ha or funny peculiar, which is attested from 1938. Funny farm "mental hospital" is slang from 1963. Funny bone "elbow end of the humerus" is 1840; funnies "newspaper comic strips" is from 1928.
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  See: MAKE FUN OF. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  airport code Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu univ. abbr. Frizzy University Network univ. abbr. Frizzy's University Network hobby abbr. Florida United Numismatists funny abbr. Family Unschoolers Network funny abbr. Families United For Novak adult abbr. Fuck Us Now adult abbr. Fucking Ugly Notebook adult abbr. Fucking Unbelievable Noise adult abbr. Fucking Un Nteresting comp. assem. abbr. Function Unknown Now network. abbr. FL4 Uniform Network non-prof. org. abbr. Filipino Unification And Networking educ. abbr. Families Understanding Nature educ. abbr. Families United Now educ. abbr. Family Unit Network gen. bus. abbr. Fairly Under Normal NYSE symbols Cedar Fair, L. P. int. bus. abbr. Falkland Unspoilt Naturals chat abbr. Fairly Unique Name ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 only before noun a fun activity or experience is enjoyable  (It was a fun night out - we'll have to do it again sometime.) 2 someone who is fun is enjoyable to be with because they are cheerful and amusing  (a fun person/girl/guy etc especially AmE)  (She's a fun person to be around. | good/great fun BrE)  (The O'Brian boys were great fun.) ~2 n 1 an experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting  (It's no fun to be working inside when the weather's nice. | good/great fun BrE)  (Why don't you come with us? It'll be great fun. | have fun (=to have an enjoyable time))  (The children were having so much fun, I hated to call them inside. | What fun! (=that sounds very enjoyable!)) 2 for fun also for the fun of it if you do something for fun, you do it because you enjoy it and not for any other reason  (We drove all the way to the beach, just for fun.) 3 full of fun playful and liking amusement  (Jan's always so cheerful and full of fun.) 4 fun and games playful activities  (My job isn't all fun and games you know - I work hard as well.) 5 not be my idea of fun used to talk about an activity, situation etc that is exciting or interesting to other people but is not for you  (Digging up old bones in a hot desert is not my idea of fun.) 6 in fun if you make a joke or say something about someone in fun, you do not intend it to be insulting  (Don't get upset Chris, she only said it in fun.) 7 make fun of sb/sth to make a joke about someone that is insulting or makes them feel bad  (The kids at school always made fun of Jill's clothes.) 8 like fun AmE spoken used when you think something will not happen, or when something is not true  ("I'm going to Barbara's house." "Like fun you are! Come and finish your chores first.")  (- see also funny, figure of fun figure1 (14), poke fun at poke1 (5)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You refer to an activity or situation as fun if you think it is pleasant and enjoyable and it causes you to feel happy. It was such a success and we had so much fun doing it... It could be fun to watch them... You still have time to join in the fun. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you say that someone is fun, you mean that you enjoy being with them because they say and do interesting or amusing things. Liz was wonderful fun to be with. N-UNCOUNT c darkgreen]approval 3. If you describe something as a fun thing, you mean that you think it is enjoyable. If you describe someone as a fun person, you mean that you enjoy being with them. (INFORMAL) It was a fun evening... What a fun person he is! = entertaining ADJ: ADJ n 4. Someone who is a figure of fun is considered ridiculous, so that people laugh at them or make jokes about them. PHRASE: figure inflects, v-link PHR 5. If you do something for fun or for the fun of it, you do it in order to enjoy yourself rather than because it is important or necessary. I took my M. A. just for fun really... He had just come for the fun of it. PHRASE: PHR after v 6. If you do something in fun, you do it as a joke or for amusement, without intending to cause any harm. Don’t say such things, even in fun. PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR 7. If you make fun of someone or something or poke fun at them, you laugh at them, tease them, or make jokes about them in a way that causes them to seem ridiculous. Don’t make fun of me... She poked fun at people’s shortcomings. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: English dialect ~ to hoax, perhaps alteration of Middle English fonnen, from fonne dupe  Date: 1727  1. what provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically playful often boisterous action or speech full of ~  2. a mood for finding or making amusement all in ~  3.  a. amusement, enjoyment sickness takes all the ~ out of life  b. derisive jest ; sport, ridicule a figure of ~  4. violent or excited activity or argument let a snake loose in the classroom; then the ~ began Synonyms:  ~, jest, sport, game, play mean action or speech that provides amusement or arouses laughter. ~ usually implies laughter or gaiety but may imply merely a lack of serious or ulterior purpose played cards just for ~. jest implies lack of earnestness in what is said or done and may suggest a hoaxing or teasing hurt by remarks said only in jest. sport applies especially to the arousing of laughter against someone teasing begun in sport led to anger. game is close to sport and often stresses mischievous or malicious ~ made game of their poor relations. play stresses the opposition to earnest without implying any malice or mischief pretended to strangle his brother in play.  II. intransitive verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: 1833 to indulge in banter or play ; joke  III. adjective  (sometimes ~ner; sometimes ~nest)  Date: circa 1846  1. providing entertainment, amusement, or enjoyment a ~ party a ~ person to be with  2. full of ~ ; pleasant a ~ night have a ~ time ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & adj. --n. 1 amusement, esp. lively or playful. 2 a source of this. 3 (in full fun and games) exciting or amusing goings-on. --adj. disp. colloq. amusing, entertaining, enjoyable (a fun thing to do). Phrases and idioms for fun (or for the fun of it) not for a serious purpose. fun run colloq. an uncompetitive run, esp. for sponsored runners in support of a charity. have fun enjoy oneself. in fun as a joke, not seriously. is great (or good) fun is very amusing. like fun 1 vigorously, quickly. 2 much. 3 iron. not at all. what fun! how amusing! Etymology: obs. fun (v.) var. of fon befool: cf. FOND ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  сокр. от function функция ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  (= func) (function) функция ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. веселье, забава; развлечение figure of fun —- смешная фигура, предмет насмешек full of fun —- очень забавный; полный веселья to be fond of fun —- быть любителем шуток и веселья it would be such fun —- это было бы так весело what fun! —- как весело! to spoil the fun —- помешать веселью, испортить шутку to have fun —- веселиться; весело проводить время, развлекаться have fun! —- повеселись!; желаю тебе весело провести время! he has a lot of fun in him —- в нем много забавного to make fun of smb., to poke fun at smb. —- высмеивать кого-л, подсмеиваться над кем-л in fun, for the fun of it, for the fun of the thing —- шутки ради; чтобы посмеиваться the teasing was all in fun —- мы поддразнивали его просто в шутку 2. интерес, что-л интересное what fun! —- как интересно! the game was no fun —- игра была совсем неинтересной I don't see the fun of it —- я не вижу в этом ничего интересного sailing a boat is great fun —- кататься на лодке очень интересно he's learning French for fun —- он изучает французский язык потому, что ему это интересно sickness takes all the fun out of life —- болезнь лишает человека радости жизни 3. интересный, занятный человек he's good fun —- он человек занятный, с ним интересно Id: like fun —- стремительно, очень быстро; вряд ли, как бы не так Id: fun and frolic —- веселье, забавы Id: fun and games —- веселье; приятно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun шутка; веселье; забава figure of fun - смешная фигура, предмет насмешек he is great fun - он очень забавен it was rather fun eating in a restaurant - в ресторане обедать было гораздо интереснее I did it for/in fun - я сделал это шутки ради to make fun of smb. - высмеивать кого-л.; подсмеиваться над кем-л. what fun! - как смешно!, вот потеха! - like fun Syn: see pleasure  2. v. rare шутить (обыкн. to be funning) ...
Англо-русский словарь


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